Smiling is Contagious. How YOU can start an Epidemic!

It's true. Smiling is one of the most contagious physical acts that one can perform. It hits you when a smile is thrown your way from a perfect stranger. You know it. Heck, you feel it right down to that warm fuzzy squishy space in your middle...right above your navel. The feeling travels to your … Continue reading Smiling is Contagious. How YOU can start an Epidemic!

Why do We Curse in Nursing? Ways to Change Our Habits & Our Practice.

Let me share some snippets of conversation with you. I want you to guess where I’ve gathered this conversation salad. “No, shit.” “What the fuck?” “Are you fucking kidding me?” “You’ve got to be shitting me.” “Tell them bitches to calm down.” Or my personal favorite without expletives, “Check out my belly.” Lifting of the … Continue reading Why do We Curse in Nursing? Ways to Change Our Habits & Our Practice.